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    Pincha In A Cincha Tutorial

    Pincha In A Cincha Tutorial
    When I first started learning this pose, I never thought I'd be able to break away from the wall. It took a few yogi friends of mine encouraging me to practice just far enough away from the wall so that I didn't use it for balance, to really make a difference in my freestanding Pincha. I absolutely love Forearm Balance now. It's one of those go to arm balances that remains whether or not I practice it regularly. 

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    Unfollow Me

    Unfollow Me
    Last week my beloved dog Phineas almost died, and I shared about it on Instagram. What I didn’t expect was how rude people can be when behind the protection of their keyboard. It made me think about who I actually want following me and what good is 1 million followers if I can't just post what I want to post.

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    10 Things That Might Save Your Relationship

    10 Things That Might Save Your Relationship
    When I was little, I dreamed about prince charming rescuing me from my circumstances and building this perfect life with the white picket fence and 2.5 kids. When I got married, I quickly realized that Prince Charming doesn’t exist and that marriage wasn’t what they make it seem like in the movies.

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    How I Grew Out My Hair Disaster!

    How I Grew Out My Hair Disaster!
    About 3 years ago, I was feeling down and on a whim decided that I couldn’t go another minute without blonde highlights. Have you ever ...

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    How I Solved My Acne Problem!

    How I Solved My Acne Problem!
    When I was going through adolescence, like most, my face broke out with acne. I had what is called cystic acne that was very painful. I'd ...

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